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EMBRACING DIVERSITY | Multicultural Week at St Mary's College!

29th August 2023

EMBRACING DIVERSITY | Multicultural Week at St Mary's College!

Last week was an absolute whirlwind of colours, flavours, and traditions as we celebrated the cultures that make up our incredible community.

From the exhilarating Futsal Multicultural Cup to the vibrant multicultural free dress day, a Spanish MasterChef competition, and an awe-inspiring Japanese Showcase – we were on a journey around the world without leaving our campus! 

But that's not all! Our Year 8 students participated in a multicultural day filled with activities where our diverse group of students and staff from all corners of the globe came together to share their knowledge, experiences, and traditions.

Thank you to our First Nations and Multicultural Coordinator, Mrs Ashleigh Sowter, for organising the cultural festivities for our students.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to the entire St Mary's College community – our dedicated staff, students, and supportive families who took time from their busy schedules to share the richness of their cultures with us.

Let's continue celebrating our cultures and embracing the beauty that comes from unity in diversity!