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Robyn Chantler Pink Day at St Mary's College

3rd November 2023

PINK DAY | St Mary's College students and staff came together in a sea of pink to honour the memory of our beloved past teacher and friend, Mrs Robyn Chantler, on Pink Day in October.

Pink ties and pink socks were worn by our students and generous donations poured in. But that's not all!

The day ended with an epic staff vs student cricket game on the oval, with the staff claiming the ultimate victory. It was a spirited match and a perfect way to unite and remember Mrs Robyn Chantler.

And the generosity didn't stop there! We also served up sausages in bread and pink lamingtons to maximise our fundraising efforts.

All of this incredible effort led to a heartwarming total of $2,227.38 raised for the McGrath Foundation, supporting Breast Cancer.

A massive shoutout to O'Donnell's Bakehouse for donating the bread and Angliss Meats Toowoomba for their generous contribution of sausages.

To everyone who participated, donated, and made this day a success, THANK YOU! Your support helps us remember and celebrate the legacy of Mrs Robyn Chantler while making a real difference in our community.

#RobynChantlerPinkDay #BreastCancerAwareness #StMarysCollegeCommunity #MakingADifference